Systems Analysis and Optimization

This thrust delves deeply into system-level efficiencies, travel demand, energy use, and the resilience and security of transportation systems amidst the integration of (C)AVs and new mobility solutions. The aim is to enhance operational tools for commercial and freight applications, facilitate multimodal systems, and ensure the safety and reliability of the system. Special emphasis is placed on developing tools, datasets, and methods that enable comprehensive research into these topics. This means not only analyzing planned scenarios but also identifying transition strategies that explore and navigate unintended consequences to achieve more sustainable, equitable outcomes when these technologies and services are deployed at scale. Moreover, the datasets and tools generated from this thrust are expected to inform and enable deeper analyses for the Land Use and Urban Planning and Equitable Use and Impacts thrusts, ensuring a cohesive and integrated approach to understanding the impacts of new mobility systems.

Key research areas include:

  • System Safety: Examining safety impacts on pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users, as well as safety frameworks and strategies for integrating new technologies into existing transportation.
  • Mobility Efficiencies: Exploring the impact of new mobility on demand, congestion, and energy consumption.
  • Commercial and Freight Operations: Investigating the role of new mobility, especially AVs, in improving access to goods and services.
  • Multimodal systems: Determining the potential of new mobility in multimodal networks.
  • Data Strategy: Exploring data requirements for analyzing system impacts of new mobility technologies and services.

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Data | 2023

Camila Correa-Jullian, Marilia Ramos, Jiaqi Ma, Ali Mosleh

Paper | 2024

Camila Correa-Jullian, Marilia Ramos, Ali Mosleh, Jiaqi Ma

Report | 2023

Camila Correa-Jullian, Marilia Ramos, Jiaqi Ma, Ali Mosleh


Systems Analysis and Optimization |

In the absence of extensive real-world data on operational strategies and new mobility solutions, including automated vehicles and emerging mobility options, the adoption of modeling and simulation testbeds emerges as a pivotal tool for evaluation at scale. However, while there is a substantial body of research on modeling and simulating new mobility solutions, much of this work remains theoretical and disconnected from the practical needs of practitioners and policymakers. There is a critical need for more applicable, robust, and validated simulation testbeds that can bridge the gap between research and real-world applications. These testbeds should be designed to meet the specific requirements of practitioners and policymakers, enabling them to evaluate new mobility solutions effectively and make informed decisions to improve accessibility, efficiency and sustainability of transportation systems.   

Systems Analysis and Optimization |

There is a significant interest in researching methods to improve V2X cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and the development of a decision support tool for deployment for different stakeholders. To develop a framework that allows the assessment of the safety and traffic impacts of V2X technology and provides actionable insights for deriving safety, reliability, and connectivity requirements.

Systems Analysis and Optimization |

Transit accessibility remains an issue for many residents, particularly in low-income and minority areas. Additionally, empty buses run during off-peak or late-night hours and in suburban areas to meet coverage requirements, often resulting in inefficient resource allocation. This project will assess the potential for new mobility services (e.g., AVs and micromobility) to fill gaps in transit service and improve operational efficiency.