When examining safety, we aim to look at not only crash statistics but also near-miss incidents, behavioral changes in driving, and the influence of new technologies on overall road safety. We use mixed methods and emerging data sources (e.g., roadside smart sensing) for analysis and ensure Safety for All, particularly vulnerable road users (VRU).
The exploration of equity (mobility, workforce, health, and even safety) extends beyond traditional measures like spatial and temporal availability of services. We measure accessibility indices, distribution of service availability, and affordability using a range of socio-economic and mobility data. At the same time, we engage with different community groups to gather qualitative data about their experiences, perceptions, and potential barriers to new mobility services.

This thrust also heavily rely on the tools and outputs developed in the System Analysis and Optimization Thrust. For example, trajectory data of a full population are usually not available but can be derived from agent-based simulation, and that can be then utilized to calculate various individual-based or community-based metrics such as travel accessibility and accessibility to jobs, and near-road emissions.

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