Quantifying safety impacts of V2X-enabled traffic systems (Phase 1)

ONGOING | Systems Analysis and Optimization

Transportation Technologies:



Problem Statement

There is a significant interest in researching methods to improve V2X cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and the development of a decision support tool for deployment for different stakeholders. To develop a framework that allows the assessment of the safety and traffic impacts of V2X technology and provides actionable insights for deriving safety, reliability, and connectivity requirements.

Outcomes & Deliverables

**Phase 1 Outcome:**
A quantitative PRA tool that enables the user to analyze different V2X configurations and identifies major safety concerns regarding technology reliability, connectivity, or deployment assumptions. The goal is to provide a probabilistic tool that can estimate the risk reduction effect of different V2X configurations based on a set of parameters that may be chosen by the user when using the tool

**Phase 2 Outcome: **
**Outcomes: (1)** A risk-informed methodology to derive system requirements on operational and design level of V2X configurations, **(2) **a cost-benefit analysis tool with a detailed calculation of safety and traffic impacts based on PRA methods, **(3)** proposed data collection and processing initiatives for future model improvement. ** **


Ali Mosleh
Jiaqi Ma
Associate Professor