Operational Safety Concepts for Level 4 Automated Driving System Fleets: Safety Hazard Catalog

Camila Correa-Jullian | Marilia Ramos | Jiaqi Ma | Ali Mosleh
July 2024

Overview of Operational Safety Concepts for Level 4 Automated Driving System Fleets

The project aims to identify safety risks associated with ongoing Automated Driving System (ADS) fleet operations used in Mobility as a Service (MaaS) applications. Within the transport environment, the main role of the Fleet Operator is to ensure the correct and safe operation of the fleet based on the technical requirements of the ADS manufacturer and comply with additional MaaS operational requirements.

The risk mitigation activities are derived by investigating what elements are required from the Fleet Operator to provide the adequate support to the system’s agents in carrying out their operational safety responsibilities. This document provides the safety hazard catalog details on the operational phases each hazard may occur in, contributing failure modes and operational safety responsibilities.

Please reach out to the project PI for access to the project’s documentation.

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